Saturday, 12 July 2008

Quick update

I've been really busy with 'other things' of late, and Lizard has been a bit neglected despite my good intentions.

But a quick update :-

The c++ extensions are still coming along. The additional columns are working nicely. The icon overlays are working - and using the TortoiseOverlays dll, so Lizard will run nicely with TortoiseSVN/CVS installed - thanks to HarriHasler for the tip on that one - and for taking me to task for the c# extensions in the first place.

At the moment I have a weird problem where the menus display great, the first item works, but clicking other items causes menu commands from the main menu to be invoked, not the sub menu. I keep looking through the code for the error but just can't spot it.

Once that is done I just need to re-code the properties page, there are some good examples on CodeProject for property pages so hopefully it won't be too bad.

I am not enjoying this at all though! The mixture of c++, COM and running within the Explorer process and the inherent debugging issues does not make for a fulfilling evening of coding! How many ways can you screw up string handling in c++? I think I've managed about 6,000 so far.

I really want the ability to merge across arbitrary folder and not just direct branches, so that will be the next area to tackle. I hope once the extensions are re-done my enthusiasm will rally!

Sorry to anyone waiting... it will come soon!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C++ strings

yes, you're definitely right that the strings are a nightmare.

I suppose that you are using std::strings and not char const *. You'll find many many very useful thing for C++ at, e.g. String Algorithm like find in or lexical_cast to get information to and from a string or the boost::smart_ptr freeing you from memory handling on your own in a C++ way.

On the COM side you'll use _bstr_t to get the memory management for free, too.

Hope it helps and ease the release of the next version of LizardTF.